“It’s a great feeling when an application goes through without resistance; in most cases it speaks to the quality of the design and the submission material. We always provide a comprehensive Design and Planning statement even when it isn’t strictly a requirement of the application, as they’re a great way to communicate our proposals, alleviate any neighbour concerns, and demonstrate to the local authority that all relevant considerations have been addressed.” – Chris Wood MCIAT (Project Lead)
JSA Architects have secured planning permission for the extensive enlargement, remodel and overall improvement of a suburban Derbyshire home, dubbed internally as ‘EnerPHit House’. Including a combination palette of modern and traditional materials, bold shapes and architectural features, this large detached home will stand out proudly as a new benchmark for quality homes in the area.
Environmentally conscious homeowners, now clients, were seeking proposals for an energy-efficient and self-sustaining home, but also attractive and capable of serving their modern lifestyle. ‘EnerPHit’ is a performance standard similar to the more widely know ‘Passivhaus’, that is better suited for existing buildings.
Full project details are available on our portfolio pager here:- ‘EnerPHit House – Portfolio‘